News & Events

Waiho i te toipoto, kaua i te toiroa. There’s a lot going on in our rohe. You’ll find all Iwi news and event information posted and archived here. We also share links to news on the community facebook pages and direct email lists.


31st August 2024
Tuahuru Marae

  Added a week ago

Nau mai, haere mai whānau to the Rongomaiwahine Iwi Trust quarterly Hui-A-Iwi. Join us from 12pm for a kai. The hui will begin at 1.00pm


Time & Location

Date 31st August 2024

Tuahuru Marae

644 Mahia Eastcoast Road

Mahia 4198


Opening Karakia


Minutes from Last Hui A Iwi

Chairman's Report

Financial Report

Tātau Tātau Report

CEO - Operations Report


General Business (to be notified to the Trust before hui)

Closing Karakia

If you would like to add items to the agenda please email to prior to hui.

Minutes from 16th March 2024 Hui-A-Iwi

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