Our Team

The Iwi management team is responsible for the delivery of social and environmental programmes to support our whānau Rongomaiwahine and taiao, and the development of Iwi assets on behalf of our beneficiaries.

Management Team

Since 2021 Blue and Shelly have been leading the development and implementation of Iwi operations, including a growing team of kaimahi.

Terence (Blue) Maru.

Terence (Blue) Maru

Blue leads the growth and development of both the Iwi kaimahi team, and the delivery of programmes and contracts that support the hopes and aspirations laid down in the RIT strategic plan He Mahere Rautaki. 

Shelly Rogers.

Shelly Rogers

Shelly is the Iwi’s admin star. Always cool under pressure, Shelly keeps day to day operations running smoothly, supports our kaimahi and manages finance and communication reporting for the wider Iwi whānau and Trustees.

Operations Team



Maraea is leading the on-ground kaupapa for Te Puna Waiora o Nukutaurua. The visions is clean water for future generations and a system in place to help our natural environment replenish and sustain itself and our community.



Rianni works alongside Wayne, focusing on the social needs of the community, ensuring our whānau become more resilient by facilitating wananga and workshops.



Rangi is working with our rangatahi to support, guide and encourage them to build work skills and confidence through training and practical experience. The goal is to build the capacity of our rangatahi to realise their potential and be able to take on responsibilities within the Iwi and in their independent life pathways.



Levi leads the Manaaki Taiao team. He’s responsible for the delivery of the fencing, planting and predator control mahi that the Iwi is delivering across the rohe, realising our aspirations for Mana Whenua and Mana Moana and engaging key stakeholders.

Manaaki Tangata.

Manaaki Tangata

Manaaki Tangata Team are proud to be part of a driving force working along side the Wairoa district council, welcoming responsible camping and encouraging the use of the designated areas. As the role of Kaitiaki we feel this is important to help sustain our natural environment. Left to right: Coral, Juanita, Levi, Liz



Our Emergency Response kaimahi are taking an active approach to develop and maintain a plan specifically to focus on Mahia resilience in the event of a Natural Disaster.